Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hello! Im Busola.

I'm a freelance writer and content consultant based in Lagos Nigeria. I write for businesses, organisations and publications, offer consultancy and training services, and am working on writing my first novel. 
Over the past three years, I have been lucky enough to get involved in a large number of interesting and varied writing projects. From writing about love, to technology, to events, to social media to travel; I love turning my hand to new subjects and new ideas.
My work as a freelance writer and content consultant is fairly wide. I regularly work on wordy projects such as short story writing, How-to-guides, and articles for industry publications. I’m also available to consult on the wider context of the written word, including content strategy and content marketing.

To put it simply; I don’t just write content for my clients, I also work with them to look at how written content fits into their overall marketing and communications strategy and to ensure they get their message across effectively and succinctly.

On this blog, you’ll find samples of projects I  have worked on. If you’re looking for an example of something more specific, please get in touch and I would respond to your mail almost immediately.