

                   On your very big day, you never want to be stuck with what to wear, how to accessorize it, fatigue, and the issue of stress, and you definitely don’t want to get stuck with anxiety and fear. Here is what you need to do to ease off the tension for your big day.   
                   If you are among the lucky brides- to- be who received an engagement ring this holiday, count  yourself lucky, and remember that it is time to start acting more matured , and time to learn to start holding responsibilities. Since your man has finally decided to propose to you, it means that he understands that both of you would be perfect for each other, and that he is ready to start a meaningful life with you.  It also means that he is ready to go through life with you no matter the situation you both find yourselves in. What you have to start thinking about next, is how to get the perfect wedding dress, and how to make your wedding day a success.
                    Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, and you should avoid any anxiety, fear or cold feet that may want to arise. Wedding anxiety is a predictable thing for many people because they want the wedding to go absolutely well as they have not had the chance to practice for it. Some ladies develop so much anxiety because they are scared they may not find the perfect gown, may not lose enough weight, or because they may not host the wedding properly, or other reasons that may end up giving them sleepless nights. Some even get ill as they are not totally sure if marriage is the best option for them. They are attracted to the man both physically and emotionally, but not sure if they are making the best decision.
                    Do not let disaster ruin your big day. At this stage, you should know that proper planning is key in ensuring that your wedding day is a success. The planning could be both exciting and daunting at the same time. You need to get your priorities right, as proper budgeting would come in handy here. One of the best parts of your wedding is sharing your joy with friends and family. Often though, those same people you hold so close to your heart unknowingly inflict added stress on an already stressful situation. Setting your priorities right, and adequate planning serves to reduce the stress on the preparations. For those who are so engrossed with their job, and have little to no time for planning, they have found wedding planners as lifesavers.

                  Getting the perfect wedding dress or the finest tuxedo could be another stretch of stress. For the ladies, you want to make sure that the dress is elegant and stunning, and for the men, you want to be sure that your tuxedo fits your body frame perfectly. You want it to be finely tailored to suit every rib, and finely cut to meet your taste. Hence causing more stress.

             Making the list of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, and choosing their gowns could add to the already overwhelming experience. Sorting out card invitations, wedding venues, planning the honey moon, the wedding party, the cake, and choosing the perfect ring could also be daunting. But do not let this weigh you down. Give more than enough time before the wedding day to plan out and choose out venues and other options appropriately.

                    Overcoming the anxiety is usually a nice experience. Some have succeeded in eliminating pre- wedding stress by having proper planning, adequate relaxation, listening to good music, going out to play golf, swimming and fishing. Some have also tried to get their bodies in shape by hitting the gym, and trying out new weight loss regimes. All these serve to rapidly reduce stress and anxiety, and aim to make you look your best on your big day. Be careful though, if you choose to get into any sort of beauty regimen, or if you wish to lose some weight. This is because some brides end up looking unusually anorexic after they have lost so much weight before the wedding.

            Those who would prefer to go for a tan, and shave their bodies, may sadly end up looking strange, rather than looking like a beautiful bride, a wedding goddess. Remember to make an emergency wedding kit, which should include a bag of tools which should keep you looking fresh and gorgeous on your main day, and which would help to serve any potential predicament.

                          As the D-day arrives, the golden rule to bear in mind is that you should never get married until you are pretty comfortable with each other, understand each other very well, and are ready to live together for the rest of your lives. And as you stand wearing your gorgeous gown, next to your life’s true love, who looks pure and handsome in his tuxedo, you take your wedding vows, and smile, not forgetting to indulge in the presence of all time.

                           Wishing you all the very best as you get ready for your wedding and most of all, wishing you a very happy and blissful marriage!

                                               SURVIVING A FIRST DATE
                     On your very big date, you never want to be stuck with what to wear, how to accessorize it, and the hairdo to go posh with, and you definitely don’t want to look too dressy, and made up. Here is what you should do.
                   Clothing. You should wear clothes that are comfortable and make you feel good. New clothes are usually a good idea, but just incase you cannot be bothered to shop, make sure your clothes are clean and well pressed. An ideal clothing would be a clean shirt for men, and a nice simple gown for the ladies.

After your clothes are set, make sure your shoes are really comfortable. During the last year, many women have been spotted going on dates, with absolutely gorgeous dresses , fabulous hair do's, and  killer sandals( but end up walking like an injured rhino). This is no joke, it is because they have not taken proper precautions to ensure that they have the right shoes.

Next, make sure you have your perfume is not too strong. Guys have the tendency to wear really strong cologne, and end up killing the mood because their date is unable to catch her breath. The use of a mild perfume is advisable, and same goes for the ladies. A mild, sweet smelling perfume sets nothing but the right mood, and remember, don’t go too overboard with your make up! Keep it light and simple.

                 Whatever your venue may be, make the best of it. A classic date, is always one with a candle lit dinner, on a table for two in a quiet, not necessarily extravagant environment. This definitely sets the mood. Some prefer a date in a park, more like a picnic date, while some would go to the extreme, by having their date in a private jet flying across the seas of the Caribbean . But remember, whatever location you choose, try as much as possible to forget your worries, and put your mind at ease. This is not the time for you to start thinking of the presentation you have next week, or the assignment your boss has given you to finish before the next day. Drop your worries, and indulge in the presence of time, make the best of your date.

                  Many people, both men and women at times have the problem of what to talk about on a date. Let me make this clear, that going on a date is not the end of the world, neither does it mean the end of your life. When you go on a date, whether you fancy the person you are on the date with or not, you should try to be your self! When I mean being your self, I mean trying to show who you really are. Do not try to pretend to be someone else, or try to change your character. That would eventually lead to complications. If you really want to talk about anything, it is always advisable to talk about everyday things, like where the person is from, what they like to do, and what your view on life is generally. Do not try to intimidate your date, with unsuitable questions, or try to make them feel insecure, always go for what would get your date happy and excited. Whatever it is you wish to talk about, don’t get too overboard, and remember, drink to moderation, don’t get too high!

                    After the date, you must have at least decided from first impressions, whether this person is good for you, or if the date was a major disaster. Whatever the outcome may have been, the date is over, and its time for home.  As your date drops you off, don’t forget to say your goodbye's and head back to your various homes.